Most women dream of being a mom one day. Everybody desires to have a happy family life. There are some general health concerns that can occur, that may make the process of becoming a mom a little uncomfortable.
During pregnancy the body undergoes certain hormonal changes. Along with it the belly starts growing as a result stomach acid can get washed up into the throat. Some of the precautionary measures that need to be taken include the following:
- Eating small meals frequently
- Bidding goodbye to fried and spicy food items
- Saying no to soda and smoking
- Eating slowly and chewing the meal well
It is advisable to go to bed at least half an hour after taking meal. While you are asleep, you must to try to keep your head as well as shoulders propped up. Calcium carbonate (TUMS) can be taken as an antacid.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness can also be classified as all-day sickness. It often gets better after the first trimester, but many women have it throughout the pregnancy!
If you are among them, you may help yourself by following these precautionary measures:
- It is better not to let yourself become too hungry.
- Watch your diet, avoiding spicy or rich foods
- Though fluids will serve you the best, it is recommended not to drink fluids just before or just after your meal
- You may also want to try having nutritious snacks like crackers, granola bar etc. prior getting out of bed in the morning
- Bidding goodbye to fried and spicy food items
- Trying ginger and lemons to calm your stomach (in a tea)
Apart from these precautionary measures, it is good to take in plenty of fresh air and rest. You may also give a trial to acupressure wrist bands. In case of prolonged nausea, do not think twice before consulting with your doctor.
Fatigue is the most common thing that is observed in case of pregnant women. Your body is going through an enormous amount of work right now, so it is not unreasonable to feel completely exhausted. Proper rest is the best solution. You must take the required amount of sleep by adjusting your schedule and requesting for assistance in case of household chores. Some other precautionary measures that can be taken include the following:
- Taking small walks
- Avoiding too much spicy food items
- Having fruit juice frequently
- Using a pregnancy pillow is an option that can assist you with being comfortable during rest or sleep times.
- Remaining in regular touch with your doctor
Frequent Urination
Frequent urination is another common issue found in case of pregnant women. In case of first trimester, the pregnancy hormone cCG leads towards frequent bathroom trips. In case of second trimester, bathroom breaks get back as the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder. There are numerous ways to avoid such an unwanted situation that include:
- Avoiding caffeine
- Drinking high amount of fluids
- Going to washroom the moment you start feeling urged
- Leaning forward at the time of urinating to avoid unnecessary pressure into the bladder
You must stay away from all sorts of activities that finally lead towards unnecessary pressure on your bladder as well as your fetus. Dry to take healthy foods but within certain limits. You may also take the help of a nutritionist to get the best guideline.
It is a fact that during pregnancy a good rest and night’s sleep is necessary. As a result digestion processes can slow down causing constipation since the food is not moving as fast as it should. Iron supplements often taken during pregnancy can cause constipation. Some of the preventative measures to stay regular include the following:
- Taking fiber rich food items like fruits, beans, vegetables and whole grains
- Staying active as much as possible, depending on what trimester you are in
- Getting plenty of fluids
- Do not delay going to the washroom
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with following the advice of your doctor will go a long way to having lesser issues during your pregnancy.
High Blood Pressure
As per recent studies, it has been observed that many pregnant women develop high blood pressure. Usually it takes place in case of the last trimester. If left unattended, it may lead towards high complication to both mother as well as child. It may limit the flow of blood resulting into limited supply of nutrients and oxygen to the baby.
Some of the symptoms that must not be ignored include the following:
- Change in vision
- Abdominal pain
- Decreased amount of urine
- Swelling of hands and feet
The moment you see any unexpected symptom, immediately report them to your doctor. Prevention is better than a cure, resulting in the the birth of a healthy baby.
Pregnancy can be a very enjoyable stage in the life of a woman, be ready to do just that armed with the information needed to stay healthy for you and your baby!
Author Bio:
Katy Hill has worked with doctors to develop the pregnancy body pillow. It is designed to give comfort to mothers as they go through trials during and after their pregnancy.