Couples Fitness Spartan Training
My boyfriend, Stephen (Steve to guys;-), and I love doing Spartan Races together which means we also love training for them together!
I get questions all the time about HOW TO TRAIN for a Spartan Race so I thought I would make some blog posts showing some of our unconventional training we come up with in the gym.
Getting Over the Walls
We give our triceps extra work since they are what propel us over all those walls!
Below, you will see how we performed a super set of tipcep pressdowns with the straight bar and then moved into pressdowns using the rope. Our sets/reps looked like this:
Tripcep Pressdown with Straight Bar: 3 x 10 narrow, 10 wide, 10 narrow
Tricep Pressdown with Rope: 3 x 20 (light weight to failure)
Rest: 45 seconds
Lower Body Strength
This sport really challenges your lower body and back so we tend to do a lot of work with barbells and kettle bells. Luckily both of us have very strong lower bodies! Ladies who have strong lower bodies, this is a huge advantage for you.
Pulling and Pushing
As you saw in the video above, we do a lot of work with pulling and pushing. Many of the obstacles require this pushing/pulling motion so we have found creative ways to train!
Post Workout Nutrition
This could possibly your most important meal of the entire day!
What is in a great post workout meal? Simple carbs within the first 30 minutes and protein within the first hour. Our post workout go-to looks like this:
2 scoops IsaLean Shake
1/4 c. frozen blue berries
1/2 banana
2 large frozen strawberries
Mix and enjoy!