Podcast Guest Application

The Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast is dedicated to showcasing guests who are helping people to live truly fit lives. Stephanie’s mission is to break down the seemingly complex and confusing health and wellness information we are bombarded with each day. Do you have something you would like to share with our audience?

Topics we are looking for: The health and fitness space is very noisy and crowded with fluff and half-truths made up by people who know more about marketing than they do about the human mind and body. Let’s hear about your expertise and put those half-truths to rest.

Examples of possible topics include:

☀️Living a balanced life.
☀️How to simplify healthy habits.
☀️Nutrition and training topics that haven’t been written about 1,000 times;-).
☀️Healthy mindset.
☀️Healthy vacation ideas.
☀️Healthy families.
☀️Healthy relationships.
☀️Hormonal health.
☀️Holistic health.
☀️The importance of sleep.
☀️New products (not supplements).
☀️Fitness motivation & inspiration.
☀️We always love to hear from medical professionals.

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