6 Reasons Why You Should Chew Raw Garlic

6 Reasons Why You Should Chew Raw Garlic

Garlic is a familiar spice for us in cooking. It not only makes food tasty, but also provides us with numerous health benefits. The benefits of garlic are more awesome if you eat the raw because cooking might decrease the amount and effectiveness of chemicals inside...
5 Most Common Contact Lenses Myths Debunked

5 Most Common Contact Lenses Myths Debunked

In spite of the fact that contact lenses are a part of everyday life of so many people and have numerous advantages, for some reason, they are still frequently viewed as inaccessible, unavailable, and all in all—user unfriendly. This untruth persists due to some of...
Habits that Can Transform Your Health and Beauty

Habits that Can Transform Your Health and Beauty

Most of us are used to working hard to achieve one or the other separately, whether it’s chasing after that summer figure you’ve envisioned, or preventing those pesky drops in your immune system. However, chances are that introducing a few healthy and smart habits...