5 Important Facts about Fitness and Alcohol

5 Important Facts about Fitness and Alcohol

As the great Hollywood intellectual of our generation (and the previous one too, and the one before that), Sylvester Stallone, aka John J. and Rocky Balboa, once put it: “Success is usually the culmination of controlling failure.” Yep, thanks for that, Sly. On the...
4 Reasons Why Athletes Need Massage Therapy

4 Reasons Why Athletes Need Massage Therapy

Natural massage has been proven effective in enhancing the overall health and well being of an individual. Athletes find it specifically beneficial to get a massage before and after training. The uses and benefits of a massage are far more complex and diverse than...
Easy and Green New Year’s Resolutions

Easy and Green New Year’s Resolutions

It’s difficult to celebrate this new beginning without feeling the need to make a difference in a world that is rapidly changing for the worse as we speak. By all means, make your resolutions focused on your own health and well being, but there are many ways to make...
8 Ways To Live A Long Healthy Life

8 Ways To Live A Long Healthy Life

It wasn’t until fairly recently that I started thinking about living for as long as I could in a healthy, independent way. I became an addict at the age of 9 and spent the better part of my youth chasing high after high. I didn’t care if I lived to see another day...