by Guest | Nov 26, 2019 | CouplesFitness, FitLife, Fitness, Guest Post, Health, Life Management, Self Improvement
People are often averse to exercising because of the amount of work and effort involved to get the results that they want. It is one thing to want to get healthier, lose weight, or develop a more toned body; it’s an entirely different thing to have the right mentality...
by Guest | Oct 31, 2019 | FitLife, FitMom, Fitness, Guest Post, Health, Nutrition, Self Improvement
You may turn to food for comfort when going through a difficult situation, feeling down, stressed, or even when bored. If you do that often then you might be dealing with a case of emotional eating. Emotional eating can be disastrous because emotions are a part of...
by Guest | Oct 29, 2019 | FitLife, FitMom, Fitness, Guest Post, Health, Nutrition, Self Improvement, SKFitLife
The body of an athlete requires abundant nutrition to achieve the best out of their performance. The necessity goes even beyond that. Post-workout routine or the game your body will experience soreness. To repair that naturally, you need to put the right things into...
by Guest | Oct 25, 2019 | FitLife, Fitness, Guest Post, Health, Life Management, Nutrition, Self Improvement
Keeping weight down is the goal of many. However, the process for doing so is unique to every individual. Some people are (unfairly) blessed with a fast metabolism and do not need to do too much to get back in shape. Meanwhile, some can easily put in the work to...