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Welcome to Week 7 of the SKFitLife Challenge!
Week 7 may seem like an odd time for a lesson in Goal Setting, but it is the perfect timing.
Want to know why?
Of course you do. That’s why you are doing this challenge in the first place! To find answers to your fitness questions.
Well, talking about Goals at this point in the 12 week program is perfect because you are just now hitting your stride.
It takes 28 days for something to become a habit. You have been working hard to learn the basics, do the basics, and do the basics week after week.
Prior to now, Goal Setting isn’t nearly as effective.
When we start something new, everything is shiny. The excitement of a new program is enough motivation to get us started.
It’s in Week 7 when taking a closer look at goals makes sense. Make sense?
Step 1: Download your training.
Step 2: Watch/listen to the Week 7 SKFitLife Challenge Information Video.
Step 3: Do the workout.
Watch for Week 8 in your inbox exactly 7 days from today.
Direct Training Links:
Download all 12 weeks of training and HIIT at once by clicking here: https://app.box.com/
Week 7 SKFitLife Challenge Information: Goal Setting
Weekly Lessons Covered in Video:
This week is all about goals! One of my favorite topics to de-mystify for clients is abs. I once heard a story of a woman who complained about not looking like a cover model.
This woman was FIT and played Division 1 basketball even!
Her coach asked her how she would compare herself to Michael Jordan, and her response was that she wouldn’t compare herself to him… he had a different genetic make-up, he played professionally, and had been practicing his craft for years. It would be silly for her to expect to play like Jordan.
The coach stopped her and asked her why she thought she should look like a professional cover model…
Our tips for staying on track? How we keep things fresh:
☀️ When was the last time you tried a new recipe? Keeping your diet different and trying new combinations or interesting ingredients will keep you wanting to eat clean. Let’s have a big effort to share some new and exciting combinations this week!
☀️ Mix up your sound track! Download some new workout tunes or if you’ve not got the funds or time to spare, just make a new playlist from your existing songs, sometimes even swapping round old favorites is enough to get the excitement back into your workouts again.
☀️ Try a new workout – trying a new class on your steady cardio day. Exercising in a new environment, doing your routine in a different order or including new moves can be enough to re-ignite your fitness fire.
☀️ All About Abs… Abs are made in the kitchen and by doing weighted ab exercises. Everyone has a different genetic make-up for abs, so trying to achieve someone else’s exact abs is not too far off from trying to achieve someone else’s nose.
If you want to build those “6-pack” looking abs, they aren’t unlike other muscle groups. Build abs just like you would work to build your shoulders. Not with rep after rep, but with smart, weighted exercises.
Insightful Stories:
I went to a wedding, ate too much, ate cake and now I feel awful, how do I get my head back in the right place?
A: I just want to tell you– it’s okay. YOU are okay. A person needs to think of their diet in terms of what they eat in the span of their life….not some temporary fix. If a diet is temporary, then what happens when it’s over? But- if our aim is to just eat well for a healthy life…that gives us more room to grow. Also- in life- there will be cake. You can’t propose to go the rest of your life without a piece of cake or some toast with butter. It’s not what you eat every day. Every day you are making great, strong, conscious choices.
This is a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself…you are empowering yourself.
So, I challenge you to own it, too, when you eat a piece of cake. You could approach it as– I want a piece of cake. I don’t have cake everyday…I am working out, I am eating very well. And right now I am allowing myself to enjoy a piece of cake. And tomorrow I will not have cake. You are a summary of everything you think/say/do…you are not 1 thing you ate.
It sounds like you made a lot of changes to your style of living….and permanent change is an evolution and takes time. Be kind to yourself and allow for that time. Maybe the woman that is at a wedding next year won’t be in the mood for cake. Or- maybe she’ll know she has totally changed the nutrition of herself and family for the good– so she’ll know she can have that piece of cake and enjoy it!
Feeling like I’m wasting away but not gaining much muscle.
I’ve definitely seen some improvement muscle-wise but mostly notice I’m just getting thinner. All my clothes are baggy on me (including my bras!). Should I be lifting heavier? Eating more protein?
A: You can bump up your nutrition overall. The meal plan is a guideline to start from and it sounds like you need more nutrition:). The initial calculation of your nutrition is quite low so bumping your nutrition up across the board (fruits, starches, protein, and fats) will add the fuel you need to build. You happen to have a high metabolism and that is awesome but that also means you will need to eat more to build.
Example Food Log of Previous Challenger
Meal 1: 1egg/2egg whites, spinach, Ezekiel muffin w/ almond butter, OR Protein shake (1 cup almond milk, scoop veggie protein powder, 1/2 banana, chia seeds)
Meal 2: 1/2 cup fruit, Ezekiel muffin w/almond butter, plain Greek yogurt
Meal 3: fish, veggie, starch
Meal 4: 1 cup carrots or red pepper, banana/carrot almond flour muffin OR egg white muffin
Meal 5: fish and veggie
Meal 6: Greek yogurt w/1 table almond butter
My feedback: I would add some variety to your good fat choices and would even add 1T of coconut oil to your last meal. Since you don’t eat any animal protein other than fish and eggs, your fat is naturally going to be lower than someone who eats higher fat protein sources such as beef. I would also add another serving of fruit (so that you end up with 3 @1/4c. servings) and see how you feel with that. Adding more green veggies to your plan would be beneficial too. If you find that this is not enough, I would recommend adding in a 3rd/4th serving of starch. Great job!!!
Q: Thanks! To make my life easier, I tend to do the same routine over and over. I’ll try to add some more variety:) I do include a little olive oil in eggs and other cooking but didn’t include that above.
How would you add in coconut oil? I use it to bake (in my carrot/banana muffins above). How do you use it? Any issues with two serving of yogurt per day? Thanks again. Loving the challenge!
My Feedback: You can add 1T of coconut oil in place of other oils, add it to your meal once it is finished cooking, add it to your shake, or just have it from the spoon. You can bake with it too! Since you are shooting for that super lean mid-section, cutting out the dairy while trying to reach your goal is something you may want to do.
There is a difference between looking and eating great on a regular basis and dialing in for abs… the dairy can cause belly bloat. When I am prepping for a competition/photo shoot, I cut out all dairy, wheat, nuts, and soy. Cutting these things out for a short period of time is fine but you have to be careful when you reintroduce them…. many fitness competitors will cut them out and then slam their bodies with them once they are finished with the event.
Walking around with a 6-pack isn’t normal and takes a lot of specific nutrition to get there.
I have created a document with some tips on creating the best “after pics”. It is a nutrition guide for the week leading up to your photos. You will have access to it in Week 10 so you all can decide if you are going to implement it. Doing it more than once every couple months is not advised. It is restrictive and that isn’t a way to live, but dialing in for a specific day is a ton of fun. So, no there is not an issue with eating 2 servings per day as a healthy way of life and maintaining a low body fat percentage, BUT when “digging for abs”, you will want to remove it for a few days.
This is where the fuzzy disordered eating can come into play so you have to be careful…. we tend to associate our results with the specific plan we followed in order to get those abs and we have to have the mental strength to know that the shelf-life on rock hard abs is about as long as a loaf of Ezekiel bread that is left out on the counter. LOL! That is why photo shoots are AWESOME…. documenting those 24 hours of awesome abs.
I had a great question today about journaling…. how do you do it?
For all of you who have been posting in the group… you HAVE been journaling… in your posts on FB!!! Yep… that is exactly what journaling is! There is no wrong way! If you are looking at the end transformation story piece and wondering where to begin, start by searching your name in the group by using the search feature… then copy and paste those posts into a word doc… that is a great start for your journal! If you are worried that someone would see it, set up a password and then NO ONE will access it!!!
My arms are already showing gorgeous results from the workouts. My legs are always delinquent. About how long do you think it’ll take to show results there?
A: SO happy to hear you love the results in your arms!!! The changes in lower body can lag by several weeks. By doing the HIIT, especially with the explosive moves of the plyos and the sprints, you will see results much quicker than if you were trying to change your body composition without this type of training.
Building shoulders will not only increase your resting metabolic rate (1 pound of muscle burns ~50cal./day), but it will created the illusion of having a smaller lower half. We can lose body fat from our waist but the structure of our waists depends on our hips and rib cage so unless we are prepared to remove a rib, our best options are to reduce body fat and build up our shoulders. Lift heavy!!!
I thought because I eat clean and generally avoid processed foods that I wouldn’t need to track my food. BIG MISTAKE!
So after 4 weeks my body hasn’t changed at all! I’m very disappointed (in myself). So I have decided to follow the SKFitLife meal plan. I’ve figured out my daily calorie needs but can’t quite figure out the amounts of protein/carbs etc. I should be eating.
A: I am the perfect example of how the portion creep happens. I have buckled down with my portions this week in preparation for my shoot in Houston and have noticed a big difference. Stick with the meal plan and start out by using 4 oz. for protein, 1/2 c. for your starch (which is about 27g of carbs if you are eating something like Ezekiel products). I have had great luck with the 40/30/30 plan Plug your numbers in here to get the exact macro breakdown: http://www.freedieting.com/
Could you also share how long it took you to build these full, round arms/shoulders?
A: It takes YEARS to build. This is what I mean when I say that it is HARD to build muscle especially when you are lean and doing plenty of cardio. Your body needs the extra calories in order to build.
Just because it takes years to build muscles doesn’t mean you should quit. If you quit, you will NEVER build them and that is 100% guaranteed. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK and know that you are working on your masterpiece.
Weekly Facebook Interaction:
Share your favorite GREEN smoothie! We are really focusing on accentuating your strengths and I would like for each one of you to share what your strengths are.

Weekly Recipe Ideas:
Clean Eating Gingerbread Waffles
- 1 cup oat flour
- 2 cups white whole wheat flour
- 2 whole eggs
- 5 cups milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
- 2 T. ground cinnamon
- 2 tsp. ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp. ground allspice
- 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp. ground coriander
- 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
- 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
- Maple syrup for topping (optional)
- Walnuts for topping (optional)
- Spice mix blend used from here
Blend all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Cook in your waffle maker and top with maple syrup to complete the dish.
Clean Eating Hot Sweet Potatoes
- 3 small sweet potatoes (100 g)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp. cayenne (optional)
- 1 & 1/2 tablespoons honey + 1/2 tbsp. molasses (optional)
1. Boil the potatoes until they are soft, and then drain. Slice them about 3/4 inch thick.
2. Place the slices on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Using the bottom side of a glass, smash the slices to about 1/2 inch thickness. Enough to fray the edges completely. The potatoes will stick to the glass, so don’t lift up after smashing. Simply slide the glass off to the side.
3. In a small mixing bowl, blend the spices together, and then sprinkle a small amount onto each slice.
4. Drizzle some honey over the top of each (if using honey) and broil for about 10 minutes, or until the edges are nice and brown.
Weekly Need to Know:
Take another look at your goals and update your vision board to reflect the NEW goals you have added!
There are good days, there are not so good days, some people are struggling with motivation, others with energy levels; but the end goal remains the same.
Using the Private Facebook Group
The private Facebook Group was created to encourage sharing tips, tricks, insights, truisms, connecting, getting questions answered, and helping each other out. This is where you can connect with ME, Stephanie, too! If you have questions, please feel free to post them and either I or a member of my team will help to answer you. You can also reach us at challenge@skfitlife.com.
Weekly Resources:
Cravings cheat sheet http://pinterest.com/pin/
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Do you have friends and family members who may like to join you in this 12 Week Online Fitness Challenge? That means you can connect/re-connect with people across the country and across the world! Share the 12 Week SKFitLife Challenge with them!