Modern times brought treatments for some troubling diseases, exploration of Mars, faster transportations and world on the tip of the Send button. However, it also turned upside down the life of contemporary humans. Long working hours and fast pace keep us chained to our desks most of the days in improper postures and positions. Due to the overwhelming number of conditions directly caused by long and unhealthy working schedules, WHO recommended that every adult 18-64 years old should practice at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity. But how to do that with insane working schedules? Well, here are some tips which may help.
There’s a new villain in town and that’s sitting. For a long time now the scientists and experts are warning us that sitting is the new smoking, so it’s time to do something about it right away to reduce the possible damage to our cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. There are several options you can choose from to stay in shape and healthy with walking. If you work at home, buy a treadmill or walk around the block during several breaks. Also, using a pedometer may help and there is a variety of those in today’s market.

The surveys showed that people will most likely do something if they have a clear goal in front of them, and pedometer will provide just that with setting the daily number of steps you have to walk.
Strength Training
Strength training doesn’t mean you will be muscled and with the bodybuilding body, it actually aims to keep you toned, in shape and healthy. If gym membership or personal trainer is too demanding for your busy schedule, go to the store selling sports equipment and buy dumbbells and resistance bands. These don’t cost much and take a minimum amount of space, but they will have lasting and positive effects not only on your body but also on your mind. You can also just buy a mat and start practising yoga at home, in the yard or park.
Even 15 minutes a day will be enough to start feeling the results after a month, and if you combine it with walking you’ll have a full body workout without even ruining your schedule.
Take Care Of Your Dietary Habits
It’s unavoidable these days to not notice advice for healthy eating and choosing the appropriate ingredients. When you spend most of your day inactive, everything you eat and drink sticks to you and that impacts first your weight and then consequently your whole organism. Changing the dietary habits is mostly wrongly understood as eating the low-calorie and low-fat foods, but it actually means that you will have to change the whole ritual. There’s a much better understanding now of how certain foods and their combinations impact our body mass, as well as that every person has different dietary needs.

That’s why consulting a specialist like a nutritionist is very important and dangerous diets should be started cautiously and stopped at the first sign of trouble of any kind.
Put On Workout Clothes
Workout clothes and footwear are specifically designed for those purposes and they will not only keep you comfortable and prevent injury but will also be an extra motivation to exercise regularly. One such sportswear manufacturer Methas Athletic from Australia. They have summed it up well in their mission statement:
“Great design can elevate the way you move, look and feel. Our active clothing is tailored for movement so whether you’re sweating it out or chilling out, you’ll be in complete comfort no matter your sport or activity.”
Another important factor of sportswear is that it will provide anatomical support throughout the workouts for your spine, feet, and muscles not only by allowing the fluidity of movement but also with specific and scientifically supported designs.
Sleep Properly
Sleep resets our mind and rests our bodies so that we can face the challenges of a new day refreshed and with newly gained stamina. Adults require 6-8 hours of sleep daily, but when and how we sleep is also a significant fact in keeping our health in check.

There are various aids on the market for those suffering from insomnia or trouble falling asleep, as well as apps which will not only play soothing and relaxing sounds but also give you advice how to put yourself to sleep peacefully and slowly.
Medicines and supplements like melatonin – the sleep hormone are also another option and not to be used without medical supervision and consult since abuse of these types of products can be detrimental or with the wrong effect.
In The End

Taking care of your body is more than aesthetics and appearances, although that’s one of the perks of leading a healthy and active life. There is nothing wrong with feeling great about yourself as long as you come to those results in the officially recommended and scientifically proven ways.
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