Bicycle Abs




  • Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. Your hands should lightly cradle your head, not hold it too tightly.
  • Bring your knees to your chest, lift your shoulders and take the right leg straight, rotating the right elbow to the left knee (bent).
  • Stop here for a moment and check your form. This is often when people lose proper form, either pulling on their necks and/or using the elbow to make the turn rather than a deliberate contraction with the abs. Think of generating the movement from the left side of your waist or your obliques.
  • Rotate back to the center and perform the same motion on the other side.
  • Take your time with each rep, moving slow and controlled and keep your elbows back. If you feel your back arching, try holding your legs up higher.


Why I Love This Move!


The Bicycle is considered one of the most effective exercises you can do for your abs. This move targets the ‘six-pack’ muscles of your rectus abdominis as well as your internal and external obliques.

Why/When I Use This Move


Add this to your ab routine, doing 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.


Watch it here!