Getting fit can seem like a minefield with the sheer variety of classes, diet plans, gyms, exercise types, that it’s no wonder it can seem overwhelming and impossible to many people. But improving your overall fitness level needn’t be difficult which is why we put together this ultimate cheat sheet.
Daily Workout Plans
Set yourself a daily workout plan – it can include anything you want to do – from an exercise class to a personal training session – but planning in the time to make sure you can fit in daily workouts, will really help you to get into a routine and keep going .
Mix it up
It’s good to have a mixture of workout routines so that you don’t get bored but also to ensure you are working both on cardio and weights so that your body is getting the best possible benefit. If you don’t know where to start have a look at our cheats for exercising each part of your body daily.
Focus on abs
Having a flat stomach or six-pack is often the ultimate dream for most people when they start out on a fitness journey so make sure you include a variety of ab-training exercises in your daily routine such as sit-ups or plank holds.
Don’t forget your shoulders 
Having strong shoulders is a good sign of fitness and even though most of us carry our stresses and worries in hunched shoulders, we don’t always think of them as an area to focus on during a workout. But there are plenty of quick and easy exercises to help get your shoulders in line and reduce that tight hunched feeling including overhead squats and push presses.
Shift the dreaded back fat
While you can’t see it in the mirror everyday making it easy to ignore, the dreaded back fat can be very unsightly and is a sure sign of being unfit so make sure to focus on this area with pull ups and kettlebells.
Toned and slender arms
There is nothing worse than looking in the mirror and spotting the dreaded tell-tale bingo wings under the arms, so make sure to fit in daily arm work outs to cheat your fitness. Push ups and pull ups will both help address this unsightly area.
Keep your legs strong
Support your leg muscles with regular lunges and squats – fit these into your daily routine to keep those pins shapely. Of course regular walking will also help to keep your legs in tip top shape without too much effort or costly equipment.
This quick cheat sheet of exercises will help you next time you head out to the gym as you have a full workout already prepared and you can choose which ones to do each day. Create a routine to follow to make it easier but mix it up every few weeks so that your body is getting the full benefits.
Now, while you might be working out regularly, the other important part of fitness is your nutrition – your body can only work with the energy and fuel you give it, so if you are doing your daily workouts but then going home and filling up on chocolates and doughnuts, the chances are you are not going to reach your fitness goals, so here are our cheats for weight loss and nutrition:
Use up your calories
The only way you will lose weight is by using up more calories than you consume. To do this you either need to consume fewer, or you need to consume the same but exercise more to burn them up. This is the only way to lose weight.
Focus on protein and fats
While you don’t need to cut out carbs altogether, there is no doubt that having a diet which is lower in sugar and high in protein, with some fats as an energy source, will keep your body in better shape. This type of diet helps your body to burn fat for fuel more easily and keeps your blood sugar and insulin levels stable.
Choose your fitness plan to support your body
If you get your diet sorted then you can choose a variety of exercise. If you are taking in too many calories, then your exercise has to be focussed on burning calories to be effective. If your calorie intake is under control you could swap running and high intensity work outs for strength training for example.
Don’t forget your mental health
Good nutrition not only effects your body but also your mind – poor nutrition can lead to problems concentrating and focusing on daily tasks so make sure you include paying attention to your mental health as part of your overall fitness. If you want a quick cheat to improve mental concentration and focus then you could check out nootropics. These are supplements which have been proven to improve mental agility and we have picked out 6 of the best Nootropics for memory and focus * for you.
*SKFit Life does not endorse or recommend any products, this is strictly the opinion of the Guest Blogger. Please do your own research and consult your doctor before taking any products to ensure that it is the right fit for you.
Focusing on your fitness doesn’t have to be complicated – by following the exercises and the nutrition guidance in this cheat sheet you can keep your daily workouts simple and focus on making sure you are eating the right foods daily. Fitness should be a part of your everyday routine, not a fad which you jump into every now and then just to lose weight.
Guest Blogger
Harry Gibson